Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Found You.

Hey guys. We found him.

And I'm not talking about the infinite-foot-tall suited man.

I'm talking about possibly the best runner ever to escape from that infinite-foot-tall suited man.


According to the comments on his newest post (comments: a whopping number of 225, including the one I just put up) the search party for M went out to Chicago, and after searching for a good long while, they finally found him. And it's true that he's alive. He put up a comment on his blog not too long ago.

"The hoodie is the best quality I feel. Sharing anything else would be too much. It's also not the same hoodie that I had before as that 1 ripped pretty bad. Also what the fuck is up with people talking about fanfics about me? what the fuck? I'll try to read through the comments as soon as I can and respond to them. There will be a post soon."

So thankfully, we don't have to have a funeral for our beloved runner, M. Regarding the comment he put up:

1. When he's talking about the hoodie, he's referring to the talk of the search parties asking everyone what kind of hoodie he wore so that they could have better luck looking; I told them that his hoodie was grey. However, according to M, he has gotten a new hoodie, so I guess my tip wasn't of much help.

2. Yes, for some shitty reason people are writing fanfics about him, and I can't help but find it a little bit disrespectful. I mean, they're trying to stay cheery, but that doesn't mean you go writing friggin' fanfics about him. Wait until he's actually dead guys, then go ahead and make your fanfictions that count as memorials towards M (not saying that I want him dead, I'm pretty flipping happy right now).

I'm still investigating as to whether or not he's himself or not. Truth be told, and I don't want to worry anybody even more now, he could be a proxy, or at least just a little hallowed. I'm going to keep monitoring his comments, make sure he's alright, make sure his aura stays up and doesn't sink, and that if he does send me an email response, see if it has anything 'suspicious' regarding his mental status hiding in between the lines.

But again, let's just be happy that he's alive. He's been playing this game with Slendy for a while now, and I highly doubt M would go down without a fight. We've got your back all the way, M.

Also, if anybody, possibly M, is reading this, I have a hunch that I'm safe. As in, "Slender Man won't come after me, because he can't come after me, so he won't come after me.". I don't want to be thinking that I'm 'untouchable', but if Slender Man could have come after me, he would have come after me a long long time ago. I'm even living in a different location now that has a view of a 'slendy tree' (a tree that looks like Slender Man in a funny/abstract sort of way) and I'm not even a tiny bit paranoid.

I'm getting bored, Slender Man.

I don't know if it's something about my head that He doesn't like, or possibly likes (because if He didn't like me, He would chase me around and possibly kill me on the spot). I'm even surrounded by trees here, and my room is a closed spot with one small window, and still nothing. I even have a blog about Slendy, and for once, He's staying away.

So what's keeping you away?

Is it the fact that I'm entirely surrounded by water, on an island? Because I highly doubt that you could get away with crossing the Confederation Bridge, haha.

I guess I'm safe for now. But I'm not letting my guard down either. There's got to be a reason why He isn't coming after me. He's not even chasing after Joel D., who has ten times more obsession with Slender Man than I do (I'm disregarding his strange night he had a while ago that I mentioned a few posts back).

Well, that's all for now. Again, I'm happy for you, M. Stay safe, keep running, and may peace be with you.



  1. Yeah!! M-sempai is alive!!!! X3 I know I alread know but still you go M. Now as for sending out a search party that may be a little hardcore but I guess for you hardcore Slendy runners it's a good percaution to take. Me well as long as Mr.Skinnybastard keeps away from my lappy and IPod, I'm good.

  2. Thank goodness we've had a bit of luck at last, but I think Shaun is now in trouble.

  3. Yeah, I heard about Shaun. I hope he's okay. Hopefully he makes it out of this alive.
