Tuesday, February 15, 2011

We Have Power, Runners

Hey guys.
Nothing has happened up here in the boondocks of what we call "Canada". It's too boring. Even Slender Man chasing after me would at least make things a little more lively. Don't listen to them when they say Canada is the best country ever. Sure, it's great, we're free as the dang beavers that cut down our trees, but it has its downsides too. I mean, we've got the freakin' Sasquatch and Lochness Monster here, but come on, I don't in British Columbia or Alberta. I'm out in the middle of a freakin' island that has a population less than 200,000. And who's scared of Bigfoot for God's sakes?! No, Bigfoot is like a giant misunderstood plush toy with a bad temper. Nobody is even sure if Lochness Monster is even real or not. He hasn't killed anyone, so there's no proof. If Slender Man walked right in my path right now, I may actually not break down and cry. I might laugh a little with a crooked smile on my face. Then my eye may twitch a little. Then I will realize that what I'm seeing is real and I'll snap like the many times I've snapped in the past. Only not a snap of anger, a snap of downright insanity (and that's only happened once in the past).
Wow, I pretty much just wrote down a bunch of useless shit, didn't I?
Canada is so boring!
Okay, so I might as well start with our 'Daily Runner News' for the day, huh?
I'm going to start with M. Not a lot of stuff going on except for people totally freaking out.
Zeke Strahm, according to M's last post, is apparently watching after a bunch of kids. Tough job, considering a bunch of kids lures Slendy out into the open, but at least he's not dead, right? Well, he could be now, the post that stated this was put up months ago, and it was M's last post.
According to Joel D., Jay is up to no good again. I haven't been able to watch any of the Slender Man Youtube vids because if I watch any Youtube on this crappy excuse of a computer, then the whole thing freezes and I have to restart it. So basically, no vids for me (sad face...). I'll try and watch them next time I hang out at a friend's place, a friend who obviously has better Internet and a much better computer than me.
I also don't know much about what's going on with the HYBRIDS or with Noah from TribeTwelve, or even how Mr. Cairo from compileTRUTH is doing (he has indeed had contact with Him though).
Now, I guess I should explain the title of this blog as well, should I?
This blog post is nearly a month old, but I don't know how many people have read it. But it could work.
A weapon against Slender Man.
Of course, I don't know if it's real, or if these guys are trolling. It makes sense, but at the same time, it doesn't. But who the hell cares if it's real or not?! If it's not, then let's use the Tulpa effect to MAKE it real!
So basically, the first blog that I'm going to quote is from Robert Sage's Slender Man blog, White Elephants.

"Actually went outside after the Fire Extinguisher Incident (Here forward referenced as Incident 2) and discovered something interesting outside where /Construct/ was. Remember that sticky residue that I mentioned was often found after utilization of an ABC extinguisher? Well, I found a residue in the location where /Construct/ was...only it's not the right kind of residue, or if it is it's been contaminated with some other element. It's similar to tree sap, hard, apparently sticky or tacky (Not stupid enough to touch with bare hands, don't worry) and a blackish/yellowish color. The yellow is the monoammonium phosphate, but...I'll need to run some tests."

It's pretty scientific to read, but it continues on as such:

"Anyway, enough of the -High Concept- navel gazing crap. You want to know about the Substance and what I found out about it.

It does conduct electricity, despite the Fire Retardant presence. When exposed to open flame it acts like magnesium. A massive flash of bright white light. Lower heat, in this case a frying pan, shows no result. While I'd like to work on finding the melting point of the Substance, lack of material forces me to end heat tests.

Cold tests show no effect. No condensation forms on the Substance, nor frost. It just loses it's tacky texture for a while until exposed to warmer temperatures.

As far as I can tell from equipment I 'borrowed' from work, it's cellular make-up is identical to tree sap. Simple cellular construction identical to plant cells. Also it dissolves in water, but a small amount (Say the size of a pin head), when dissolved in water, can turn 2 cups of water a light, translucent, green color. Say one or two drops of green food dye will get a similar result.

Haven't begun with the saturated water, allowing to sit for further study.

I also found that this substance, while being able to conduct electricity, also has some adverse effect on electronic devices. Putting it near (less than 6 inches) a television or computer screen will cause the screen to go into static. It is not magnetic though.

Shows no corrosive properties as of yet, experiments still on going.

High tonal frequencies (Tuning fork) show no effect."

But what caught my eye the most was this.

"As I said, it's slightly sticky, and leaves a light yellow/greenish residue. I carefully used it to mark out an Operator Symbol(Proven Sigil) and set it up outside, where the /Construct/ makes his usual appearance to observe and assault me with -Emotional Imbalances.-

He showed up.

There was a flash of bright light, similar to what happens when the Substance is exposed to open flame.

Then I heard...it was an awful noise. It sounded like a cat being dragged across a blackboard, clawing and yowling. I suffered a panic attack and almost dropped into the fetal position. But the /Construct/ left, and the irrational terror left soon after.

Then I realized what happened.

I(Sage) made that fucker scream in pain."

It's clear that Slender Man is starting to fall. They are unsure if this "Substance" caused him pain or not, but I'm hoping that we can all use the Tulpa effect to make that possible.
But I don't want to just sit back here and watch! I want to be a part of the battle! Something just to make my already-mentally-unstable life a little more mentally-unstable! Something that I can look back on and say, "Hey, I was a part of that!"
. . . Dammit.
I'm only a part of the hundreds of bloggers that are still alive or are already gone. But here's the difference: I'm not a runner.
What's so special about me?
I'm not a runner.
Which means I'm not going to die any time soon, hopefully.
Dang, why do I give these sympathetic speeches in every single one of my posts? It's starting to annoy the crap out of me. I can come up with these things too easily, so I always end up typing one into the post one way or another.
Okay, enough with the sob-story, let's move on to the next order of business.
Apparently this "Substance" has been looked at underneath a microscope already, and it seems to have the same box-like structure as a plant cell. It also strongly resembles a tree plant cell. You think that this would power Slender Man, but apparently it keeps him away. And apparently electricity works as well.
We've managed to cause Slender Man pain, and that's what matters. Things are going well. If these guys are trolling, thank you then, because we can use the Tulpa effect to make the Trollers. . . uh. . . un-Trollers. . .
So Trollers with the blogs are very much appreciated (as long as you're talking about destroying Slender Man and not making him stronger).

So we have power now, Runners, and possibly something to keep you safe in the harsh winter months ahead. The winter is bad up here in the Atlantic, but it may fare better for you guys down in the states, or in Germany, or wherever it is that you are hiding.
I think that's basically all I had to say for today. I'm glad I was able to get some important information on the blog today that wasn't about my lame Slendy stories.
Oh, but there is something I want to finish off with, something to lighten our moods a little.
Because of my artistic ability and wonderful, cheery humor, I put together a few "Slendy Turmoil" comics that surround me, Joel D. and a couple other Slendy friends of mine. I'm hoping to get the drawing up on the blog sometime, but until then, I'm just going to write the script down below for you to read and smile at. Who knows, it might make your day. And the Operator might get a good little laugh as well as he reads this over your shoulder.
(P.S. I'm using the real names of the characters in this script instead of the Time Gate Japanese names, just so you don't get confused or anything).

Slendy Turmoil

Slender Man: -explodes in bedroom with tentacles flailing- UZUKI AND MITSUHIRO, I AM HERE TO HAUNT YOU!!!
-Slender Man faints on the floor-
Uzuki: Ooops. . .

Slender Man: -explodes in bedroom with tentacles flailing- MAKOTO, I AM HERE TO HAUNT YOU!!!
-Slender Man spots a Joker poster on the wall that says, "Vote for Me or Die"-
Slender Man: -runs out of the room with arms flailing- EVERYBODY RUN!!!!!

Slender Man: -explodes in bedroom with tentacles flailing- YASHIRO, I AM HERE TO HAUNT-
Yashiro: Take one step further, and you'll get shot in very bad places. -reloads machine gun-
Slender Man: -runs out of the room with arms flailing- WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PLACE?!

Slender Man: -explodes in. . . well, you know what happens.- JOEL D, I AM HERE TO HAUNT YOU!!
-Joel stares at Slender Man for a few seconds, and then waves, a smile growing on his face and a little heart floating from his head-
-Joel chases after Slendy with hearts in his eyes-

Haha, so you don't really get the same effect with just the script, so I'm hoping to get the drawings up soon. They're just to make everyone feel a little happier. Maybe even Slendy will learn to lighten up a little and just be a funny guy.

Peace be with you, Runners.


  1. ...Another Canadian. What a novelty.

    I'm not a runner either. My... family doesn't know. So I stay. Some big stuff has happened so I guess I'm just a minor target - small fry to bothersome to do more than freak out and toy with.

    Have you seen Him yet?

  2. Yes, 'eh', I'm a Canadian. But guess what? Canadians are safe up here.
    According to my mother, Slender Man is just a fad to us teenagers/college students/adults -- it will pass soon, and we won't remember a thing about it. I wish the runners were so fortunate to say the same thing.
    No, not yet. Things are kind of. . . weird tonight though. I keep hearing weird sounds, and so far I'm trying to convince myself that it's just my little brother running around. My sister tells me she hears weird noises in the middle of the night from time to time. She has an Ipod that can take up to like, 5 hours of video, so I'm going to try a night surveillance sometime. I know M says that it's just as bad as closing your eyes, but then I'd at least know that he's watching me, right?
    Thank you for taking the time to read my blog by the way. Peace be with you.
