Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Normal Day

Short post today. I'm at school; Joel D. has finally gone off to Florida, which means he gets to ride waterslides at Disney while we freeze our asses off over here in Canada. . . and of course, he's hoping to meet a few runners over there as well.

Nothing's going on with the runners right now that stands out a lot, I'm hoping to watch some videos soon, if any have been uploaded since my last viewing.

I may as well post a dream that I had quite a long time ago, but haven't mentioned until now.

First of all, I was staying at Yashiro's place for the night. We had a good time, watched enough Youtube videos to make impressionist jokes come out of our mouths for the next few months, drew a few drawings, wrote a few chapters to our stories, you know, the usual for us. I ended up sleeping on an air mattress (which I haven't done in a long time, and felt pretty relaxing), and that night I had this weird dream that just seemed to stick with me.

So, in my dream, I was on the outskirts of Charlottetown (the main city of PEI) hanging out with my two friends, Vicky, and her sister, Shelley, at their place. I was also with my sister, Chiyo, at the time. I may as well start by telling you what their dad's place is like (we were hanging out at their dad's because their parents are divorced). It's a pretty old house, but where my dream took place was in the porch area. If you walk straight ahead from the entrance, you'll end up in the kitchen, or the hallway, depending which way you turn (it's sort of like a narrow cut in directions). Turn to your left, you've got the laundry room, and to the right you've got what I like to call a 'sun room'. For some reason though, in my dream, there was this large glass window placed along the hallway wall that lead to the sun room. So, it's just me and Vicky, but when we pass by the big window, I immediately spot Slender Man, and duck down onto the floor, pulling Vicky with me. There's a bit of dialogue in this as well. I will not use my penname in this.

"Uh, Jess, what's going on?" Vicky asked me curiously, raising an eyebrow (she's a townie, and she doesn't know what Slender Man is. . . but she's quite a sassy type of person, still cool at heart).

"Shh!" I silenced her. Obviously, I have the living hell scared out of me. "Stay down, Vicky, I'm going to check. . ."

She listened to what I said as I slowly, very very slowly, began to stand up and peer out the window, and sure enough, there was Mr. Slender Man.

But something wasn't right.

I mean, there's nothing right about the Operator at all, but for Him, this wasn't right.

First of all, His head was missing. That's from what I remember. And second of all, the shirt He was wearing underneath His black suit was actually a deep red instead of white (I guess His other suit was in the wash, no?).

So, I stare at Him for no longer than two seconds before I bolt out the door, leaving behind Slender Man and Vicky (what's odd is that I would have had to run pretty close to him, because he was standing on the deck that leads to the porch, and I went out the porch door. . . get it?). So, guess where I run?

a.) the barn
b.) the shed
c.) the forest

If you guessed c.), you are absolutely correct!
But why the hell would I run in there?! I've known about Slender Man for a good year now, long enough to know that going into the forest is a big NO-NO! But apparently my common sense was broken!

So, there I went, charging straight into the forest.

And Slender Man was actually chasing me!

Now, let me get one thing straight, if you don't already know.

Slender Man doesn't run after people, really. You runners with the experience should know that. It's pretty much just like if you turn around and run around the corner, he's going to be there. Teleportation is what we call it, but that's not really the correct term. I don't know what the correct word is for it, but it's not teleportation. He's just moving around like we do; it's just moving for Him. Going from one spot to another for Him is like stepping into another room.

Not in my dream.

In my dream, his arms disappeared, and were replaced by long, black tentacles. Sharp tentacles. Sharp, spiny, tree-like tentacles. And He was climbing through the forest with these tentacles; pretty much like Dr. Octopus from the Spiderman movies. So, He's chasing me, and I'm running for my life, when another Slender Man appears!

That was not supposed to happen! (I don't think so, at least. . .)

Whenever Slender Man chases after you guys, there's only one of Him, right? Well, eventually these Slender Men actually started to multiply, until there were a good thirty of em' chasing me! So, I'm here shitting myself, running for my life, and I find this tree to hide behind (honestly, I wasn't all that smart in this dream. . .). The multiple Slender Men actually stopped chasing me and disappeared, which gave me enough time to get out my cellphone and call for help (I also don't have a cellphone. . . for some reason, this cellphone had an Operator symbol phone cord attached to it, along with a bunch of other things, like the Triforce from Zelda and a moogle from Final Fantasy, and all that stuff. . . just a bunch of little ornaments attached to a phone cord, ornaments from all my favorite video games/paranoia spazz outs).

So, the first person I try to call is Vicky. No answer. Then I try to call Chiyo and Shelley (because they're most likely together; my sister doesn't own a cellphone either, but in my dream Shelley did, but I have no idea if she actually does or not). Again, no answer. Then I try to call my best friend Yashiro; same thing. I try my parents to the phone in the house, no answer.

No answer, no answer, no answer.

I finally try to call Joel D., and he picks up, but the sound on the phone is filled with static and other weird, snowy noises (again, a stupid idea, it's just common sense to know that electronic devices don't work around Him). I could hear his voice, but barely enough to get a message through; I don't even think he could hear me at all.

So, after many attempts, I gave up. I hung up my phone, and waited there in the forest, all alone. I had no idea what I was waiting for; waiting for someone to find me, waiting for someone to even come look for me, waiting for Him to come back and kill me. . .

My phone rang.

It was a text message. I was hoping it was someone who I had tried to call earlier; maybe they had figured that text messaging would work better in this situation (preferably Joel because out of all the people I mentioned, he's the only one who knows the common rules and sense of running from Him; my sister knows a bit, but not enough).

The text message wasn't from them.


"Like from my book," Joel D. commented when I told him about this on MSN the next night. He was referring to his Slender-esque and other paranormal activities novel, House of Leaves (still trying to get my hands on a copy; I'm going to call Indigo in town so the next time I go in, I'll use my giftcard to buy it).

Moving on, after I finished reading the text, He reappeared. His head was back (had no idea why it was gone in the first place), and He looked pissed; at least, as pissed as a faceless creeper can look.

And He started talking to me.

Unfortunately, He was speaking to me with noises, not through my mind, so I had no flipping idea what he was trying to say to me. His voice was like a bunch of gargles and mumbles mushed together into a sentence that I couldn't ever hope to understand.

I wanted to talk back, ask Him what He wanted from me, but I was too scared, and before I knew it, He had sprung His spear-like tentacle arm straight through my body, impailing me into the tree that I had hid behind.

I feel like I left something out from this. I'll try to remember it later; if I do, I'll edit this blog and add it. Either way, I'm hoping to have this dream again.

Tonight, if I can.

I'm going to go to bed tonight thinking about this dream, and hopefully my brain will carry it on into my dream for tonight; maybe then I can talk to Slender Man and see what the hell he wants, without getting impailed to pieces.

Well, that's all for today.

Peace be with you, Runners.



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